Wednesday, 25 March 2009

I Love My Sister

After missing Ethan and Talia for one week while I was in East Timor, Daddy is now in Thailand on another trip. Well, I got to spend 2.5 days at home and we squeezed in many good times together. This precious photo was captured by Mummy showing the amazing sibling love between our two children. It really is sweet! Ethan really likes playing and interacting with Talia, and she will squeal and react to him when he comes close. Sniff sniff... Missing you Ethan and Talia...and you too Mummy!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Room Mates

Ethan has a new room mate! (and we have our room back!) We moved Talia's bed into Ethan's room on Thursday and so far Ethan has been thrilled to have company in his room. Here they are lying down together in the morning while Ethan gets changed. He was so excited he didnt get his pyjamas all the way off before copying Talia who was happily cooing while holding her toes......
It's really been a joy to have Ethan all this time but its really quite a new flavour of tingly warm feelings to see the 2 kids enjoying each other so much.

We decided to move Talia at this stage because :
a) She is already sleeping about 8 hours after her last night feed
b) New-room & Separation anxiety have not quite hit home for her yet!
Rooming together does mean that they are much more likely to wake each other up, so I have to try to get to them as swiftly as possibly to diffuse any crying before it escalates. However, we expect that along the way, they will learn to tune each other out except for the louder sounds made by each other. We have already seen Ethan sleep thru the (false) fire-alarms that tend to go off quite often around here!!