Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Bye Daddy

Daddy is going to Cambodia for a few days. Poor Ethan will miss his Daddy. Plus he's been a bit sick the last few days. Checking in now early in the morning... Be a good baby and get well soon, and show Mummy lots of love.

Saturday, 23 June 2007


In yet another first, Ethan visited Sentosa, the Dolphin Lagoon and the Underwater World! It was staff and family outing day for Barker Road Methodist Church, so Ivan and Ethan tagged along for the day. First, we all got on the bus. Because of Ethan, everyone insisted we take the front row!

At the Dolphin Lagoon, Ethan got on Dad's shoulders so that he could see all the dolphins putting on their stunts. But Ethan got distracted playing with Daddy's hair and ears. And Renata's friends got distracted by cute l'il Ethan. Some of them took more photos of Ethan than of the dolphins. Quote: He's cuter than the dolphins!

Up close and personal, Ethan was able to appreciate Underwater World much more. We would sit him next to the tanks of big fish and he would stare and stare at them and while reaching out to touch the glass. In the tunnel with the travellator, he was so fascinated that we went around 3 times! Except that whenever we pulled out the camera he would turn away from the fish and stare at the lens instead.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Ocean Views on the Boardwalk

Ethan went to the Changi Boardwalk the other day to watch the sunset and enjoy an evening stroll with Mummy and Daddy! It was also the first time Ethan has seen the ocean... actually it was merely the straits between Malaysia and Singapore, but it still looked really big for Ethan.

It was a bit cloudy so the sunset wasn't great, but we got nice pics of the family anyway. Look how happy Ethan is to have both Mummy and Daddy around!

Church Camp

Ethan went for his first Church Camp with Mummy earlier this month! (Daddy couldn't come because he was away in East Timor) It was a pretty special time as Por Por & Ah Gong came along too. We had a great time together and are particularly proud of Ethan who travelled very well for an 8 month old baby. Here he is at a pit stop along the highway getting some lunch on the way up.

Apart from meeting many friends at the camp, Ethan loved the bed in the hotel which was big, soft, comfy and a lot of fun to roll around. Unfortunately he also rolled off it onto the floor and had a nasty shock. Thank God he recovered soon after and even smiled bravely at Mummy to let her know he was OK after a good cry!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Bath Time with a Growing Baby

Ethan is growing so fast! He's more difficult to handle at bath times now cos he likes to move and splash around a lot. I've had to take out the insert so he sits upright most of the time. He loves to splash Daddy and also likes his bath toys. We keep squirt toys such as Mr Whale, Mr Crab, Mr Dolphin, and Mr Seahorse nearby and he always reaches for them and promptly puts them in his mouth, never letting go until he's out of the bath and on the change table!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Best Breastfed Baby

Ethan entered the "Best Breastfed Baby Contest" in the 7-12 month old category. He's healthy and huge! Just look at him! 9kg now and all thanks to mummy's milk. We'll be notified by post within 2 weeks if Ethan got thru to the finals which will be at IMM over a weekend coming soon!

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Quinny 2nd Stage

Ethan is almost ready for the second stage of his stroller. This is where he no longer sits in the car seat but directly in the upright canvas seat of the Quinny stroller. It's a big undertaking to reconnect the seat back to the frame so we let Ethan try the same model in Toys R Us. The shoulder straps were still quite high, though he looked very comfortable. However, sleeping would prove more challenging at his small size now. Looks like we'll wait for a couple more months!

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Mr Piggy

Ha ha ha... Ethan fell asleep in the car while biting on his teething ring. His hands fell away, but the teether was still there for a long time. Looks like Mr. Piggy!