Today is Wednesday, Renata's kendo night, so I stayed at home with Li'l Bubs at night after coming back from the Love East Timor DA meeting. I was tired since I'm slightly sick, and Ethan's been a bit cranky. He kept wanting attention, until even being with me didn't seem to satisfy him. So I put him down and left him alone to cry a bit to see if he would fall asleep. It had been only 2 hours since his dinner so he shouldn't be hungry...
20 min later and bubs is still crying, so I warmed a bit of milk in the bottle. He gobbled it down, finished it, and wanted some more because it was only about 40ml. Poor fella was hungry! "Sorry Ethan, I'll get you some water." So I put him down and off I went, but when I came back 1 min later the little guy was fast asleep! Looks like just a bit of milk did the trick!
Here he is in the dark. Sleepy and tired, but a bit of milk popped him off to baby-dreamland...