Monday, 28 January 2008

The Happy Bi-Ped

It's amazing to look at Ethan now and realise that one year ago, he thought his legs were for putting in his mouth and banging on his keyboard toy! Watching him happily toddle around the house is quite heartwarming as we see him become a full-fledged bi-ped!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Love That Helmet

After all the fun we've been having riding bicycles these last few weeks we spotted a toddler's helmet at Carrefour. It was only $13 and Ethan loved it when we put it on his head in the store. In fact, he will happily wear it around the house just doing other things, occassionally reaching up and patting his helmet.

Ethan has sure come a long way since not enjoying having hats on his head. He will wear hats and especially this helmet for a long time. We thought he looked extra sporty in it while flying his Pooh aeroplane.

Mr Explorer sure does love his new adventure gear. Pity he still can't try Daddy's motorbike with it though. Daddy is sure Ethan would love it...

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

East Coast Again

We had such fun the last time we went to East Coast Park that we decided to go again. Off we went armed with hats to protect us from the sun. This time, Ethan wore his hat for a very long time - almost the entire outing!

Mummy's hat was even the same kind as Ethan's!

We found a nice place with a bit of shade and rested on our beach towel while Ethan played with his favourite spade. For a while, it felt like we weren't in Singapore at all.

The most memorable part of the day was our bicycle ride! We rented 2 bikes including one with a seat for Ethan. When he first got on he didn't look very impressed with the setup, but once we got going he squealed with delight and grinned as we cycled all the way down the beach stretch. We ended up at the jetty where we sang our "Fish, Fish" song as we looped figure-eights and laughed baby squeals of delight!

Thursday, 10 January 2008


After the busy socializing of the Festive season, Ethan has caught a bug. He's had fever for 3-4 days and was clingy, crying a lot and very sensitive to sudden loud sounds. So it really was bad timing for us when they decided to test the fire alarms in our building last week! I guess it's tough when you can't really understand why you are feeling so awful.

It was also a tough week for Mummy who had to manage without Daddy, and it got a little worrying when he started to develop a rash after the fever! (just when we thought we were out of the woods!) Fortunately we had quite a lot of support from Grandparents & Church Friends who helped in little ways to get us through this period. We are also glad that it turned out to be a viral thing that seems to be quite common in young kids. I'm glad Ivan is coming back soon tho......was a rather lonely thing to have to pick up a kid who is burning with fever and looking at his glazed eyes in the wee hours of the night......

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Just the 2 of Us

This New Year it was just the 2 of us again -- Daddy was away so Ethan gets Mummy all to himself this week! He's been quite a good boy just like Daddy told him to be before he left. Daddy will be proud of this little man of the house while he was away!

In the meantime, Ethan's been busy spending time socialising at Ah Mah & Yeh Yeh's New Year's Eve Party as well as exploring Suntec City with Por Por & Gong Gong on New Year Day. We discovered that his favourite was the photo booth where we had a screaming good time playing peek-a-boo with the booth curtains!