Showing posts with label Birth Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth Story. Show all posts

Friday, 29 September 2006

Super Cute

So cute! Ethan is sucking well, sleeping lots, and seems quite aware of things around him. He is now 8 hours old and has had 3 feeds already.

Resting in Ward

We have moved into ward 42 bed 3 where Renata is recovering. As you can see the food is not as good as home pregnancy food from our earlier posts! Renata has a cough which hurts her abs so please pray for her throat recovery.

Peaceful Snoozing

All that pain was so worth it now looking at Ethan now 4 hours old. He had his second feed, is sucking and nursing well. We guess these are the cute moments that will sustain our sanity later on!

Ivan and Ethan

Ethan had a good feed and is now resting with proud daddy. The little one is very cute and has all the right equipment. We're resting now cos been up since 3am.

Safe and Sound

Ethan was born just after 7am and only 3 hours in the hospital. 2.63kg with full head of hair and eyebrows!

Thanks for your prayers and love. Request family visits only while in the hospital.


Ethan's born in record time at 2.6kg.

Almost There

Suprisingly fast! Now fully dilated after only 3 hours. Only gas, too late for epi.

Ethan's CTG

Can you see Ethan's heart rate? Contractions are now 3 min but still only 1 cm. Looks like about 12 hours to go.

Labour Has Begun

We checked into NUH this morning around 4am. Contractions were at 6 min with increasing pain. Renata is very calm and is now comfortable.

Thursday, 28 September 2006

Is it Time?

Lots of minor contractions today. After dinner they have getting closer but intensity is varying alot. We're actually below the 10 min interval but intensity is very low. NUH Hotline says to monitor for another hour or so. We're going to try to get some rest now... could it be tonight?