Saturday 15 December 2007


Daddy's at it with the pasta again. A huge pot of "sea-shell" pasta with an arrabiata sauce sans chilli but with a touch of bacon and garlic made it all quite yummy. Ethan loves it but half-way through a meal he seems to get tired of chewing and slows down, so he's still learning to use his 6 teeth. We think tiny macaroni is easier for him to eat compared to these shells. We want to try "alphabet" pasta but we've only seen in at Carrefour and haven't had a chance to go back since. The yield this time was an amazing 20 servings! One entire shelf in our freezer is dedicated to Ethan's food!


Anonymous said...

NTUC at woodlands civic centre sells alphabet pasta. :)

Ivan & Renata said...

Thanks for the tip!