Tuesday 28 December 2010

Father and Son: Journeying and Learning

Article I wrote with picture selected for church bulletin:

I learn a lot from my relationship with my now four-year old son. Insights don't usually come automatically, but are the rewards of a change of pace and activity, some slowing down and some reflection.

One insight I had early this year was how my relationship with Ethan made a difference to things deep in my own heart that are there due to my non-existent relationship with my biological father. I wrote these things down to show Ethan one day... to tell him how in some amazing God-orchestrated way, I found healing in giving him the kind of love that I yearned for but never had in my relationship with my Dad. I'm sure this does some good for my relationship with my heavenly Father, but I can't put that in words just yet. I'm just very thankful for God's amazing healing ways, and that we can start new fresh legacies in our families because we have been made new in Christ.

As I write this, I am sitting in Changi Airport with Ethan. He just fell asleep in the stroller as we wait to get on the airplane to Bali. It's a special trip for two reasons. First, it's a reunion of my university Christian fellowship. This was where I first came to know Christ some 18 years ago. Second, I'm taking this 5 days 4 night trip with just Ethan so it's a "Father-Son Trip" as well. Intentionally building relationships, even with our own children, feels like risky business sometimes. Now is one of those times. I have lots of nervous anticipation and excitement about the days ahead without mummy whom we both depend upon so much, often without realizing it or appreciating her. I'm hopeful and prayerful for indelible memories and a deeper bond that will be a cornerstone of the foundation of our father-son relationship in the year ahead. I'm also looking for more learning about myself and Ethan. The kind that comes from thinking about things and reflecting. Writing these words is part of that hopeful and prayerful process that God would teach me, and you reading this, how to be a good father and a good son.

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