Monday 2 October 2006

Good Morning Ethan

This is one of the first times you can see Ethan's handsome eyes. He's coming home with us today. His jaundice index is low so just a bit of spf 8 sun tanning will be fine. Doctors and nurses have been really nice to us too. We'll be back on Wed for a quick check up.

Sunday 1 October 2006

Beautiful Feet

"How beautiful are the feet of those who (will) bring good news". They're small now but may these little feet one day bring the good news of Christ to the nations!

Ethan Look-Alike Competition

Who looks more like Ethan? Vote for Ivan or Renata in the comments section!

First Poop!

Ethan had stool this morning...good for him! The nurse says he looks a little yellow today, but we can't quite tell and think he looks perfect! Our doctor, Prof Mary Rauff, said she will see how Renata and Ethan are doing tomorrow and perhaps discharge us then. Our stay would then be 3 days which is slightly longer than usual but just being sure Ethan has no jaundice before going home and that Renata has good rest. She is enjoying the sleep and recovery time!

Saturday 30 September 2006

Goodnight Ethan

Goodnight Ethan. We love you and think you're the best anniversary present ever. Sweet dreams little one.

Proud Grandparents

Jerry and Pearl with Rare Moment of Ethan Awake

These are the proud grandparents of Ethan. Above are Ivan's parents. Ethan's the first grandchild for Pearl (mum) and the first grandson for Jerry (dad, who has 3 grand-daughters already). Below you can see Renata's parents, Benjamin and Susannah also with their first grandchild. Gosh, Ethan's gonna get doted on. Please pray that he doesn't get spoiled...too much!

Ben and Sue with Ethan Sleeping

Goo Ma

Ethan is being cuddled by Mei the first aunt to see him in the flesh! Ivan's other siblings are overseas so have not seen him yet. Debbie (Di Goo Ma) and Martin (Ah Bak) will be in Singapore soon.

Reaching Out

This photo was taken at 7.20am yesterday just after Ethan was born. You can see his cord clamp and where Ivan cut the cord. He had a good healthy cry when he came out. Funny thing was that during the birth he stuck out his hand as his head was coming out. It looked like he did one breaststroke then his shoulders and whole body literally popped out. The hand incident reminded me of Jacob and Esau in Gen 25. Thankfully Ethan had no one to compete with!

Friday 29 September 2006

Super Cute

So cute! Ethan is sucking well, sleeping lots, and seems quite aware of things around him. He is now 8 hours old and has had 3 feeds already.

Resting in Ward

We have moved into ward 42 bed 3 where Renata is recovering. As you can see the food is not as good as home pregnancy food from our earlier posts! Renata has a cough which hurts her abs so please pray for her throat recovery.

Peaceful Snoozing

All that pain was so worth it now looking at Ethan now 4 hours old. He had his second feed, is sucking and nursing well. We guess these are the cute moments that will sustain our sanity later on!

Ivan and Ethan

Ethan had a good feed and is now resting with proud daddy. The little one is very cute and has all the right equipment. We're resting now cos been up since 3am.

Safe and Sound

Ethan was born just after 7am and only 3 hours in the hospital. 2.63kg with full head of hair and eyebrows!

Thanks for your prayers and love. Request family visits only while in the hospital.


Ethan's born in record time at 2.6kg.

Almost There

Suprisingly fast! Now fully dilated after only 3 hours. Only gas, too late for epi.