Thursday 15 March 2007


Ethan seems to have started teething. He's been drooley and constantly wanting to bite on whatever he can get his hands on. Unfortunately we forgot where we stashed his teething rings until just 2 weeks ago, so Ethan's had to improvise in the meantime. So far he has tasted tissues, books, toys, fingers, blankets, spoons, pillows and his ABC flashcards!

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Tummy Rub

Last week we got a new MP4 video camera - a Sanyo Xacti C40 that saves MPEG-4 video onto an SD card. It's a tiny thing that we can use anywhere to get more precious videos of our little one while he's still small. It's much better quality than the video from our digital camera (used in previous blog posts) at 640x480 at 30fps. Though the quality is just slightly less than DVD, it's quick and easy to use and much cheaper than a full size DVD quality camcorder.

Here is Ethan getting a tummy rub to calm his angsty mood. This was taken when he was still pink from his mild allergic reaction to cereal with formula milk. His first taste of non-breastmilk wasn't so good!

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Home Internet Down

Our internet access at home has been very unreliable in the past week. Grrr... Singnet hasn't responded well either. Some sites can be accessed but slow. Many other sites cannot be accessed at all. It's very strange, and we can't log in to Blogger to update our blog.

Thursday 8 March 2007

A Bit Sick

Ethan was a bit sick recently. It could have been the ham that we ate the previous night that also gave Mummy a tummy-ache, or it could be a mild allergic reaction to the new cereal we tried to give him. The previous cereal was "rice only" so we added breast milk, but this new cereal was "rice and milk" - the milk being from skimmed cow's milk. It looks like his body didn't like this cos he went slightly pink and was in a not-so-good mood.

Tuesday 6 March 2007


This morning I came into Ethan's room and found him like this! He had pushed himself all the way to the corner of his cot and was peering out of the bars...

It was actually quite late in the morning (around 8.45am) and Ethan had been up for quite a while. He seems to wake up anywhere from around 6.30am to 8.00am but will usually amuse himself for some time before he gets hungry enough to start fussing so that we can hear him. This morning, he wasn't fussing - just playing - and slurped down his 160ml breakfast very quickly.

His rash has been the best it's ever been for the last few days but still not 100% disappeared. I've started wrapping him up in his light cotton blanket so he can't swipe at the creams I've been putting on his face. Kind of like a temporary straitjacket so he can't hurt himself!

Saturday 3 March 2007

Ethan's Prayers

I sat down this morning to do a very quick video blog, but then I picked a song and memories and thankfulness kept flowing for an hour. So here's Ethan's Prayer of thanks and simple hopes for the future. It's our best video of Ethan yet!

Hint: You can always click on "Google Video" button for larger video window

Friday 2 March 2007

Daddy's Love Makes Me Happy

Daddy's love makes me so happy I just can't stop smiling and laughing. Mummy took this video of me having great fun with Daddy.

I was so happy that that night I actually chortled myself to sleep!

Thursday 1 March 2007

Drinking From a Cup

Today Ethan walloped a huge amount of 2.5 tablespoons of rice cereal with milk. This is quite a lot considering this is only his fifth day trying solid food. He seems to love it, and at this rate will work his way up to a full meal (3-4 tablespoons) by the end of the week. At that time, we'll start giving him a second meal with cereal. Currently it is lunch, so next it will be dinner which should send him off to dreamland quite effectively.

Because he's eating solids and not just milk, Ethan gets thirstier so he's taking water now. We decided to give that to him from a sippy cup and he's taking to it quite well. We're quite proud of him that he's eating well and drinking water happily!

On the negative side of things, solid food (no longer breast milk only) means poos are smellier, and the nappy changes sure are manifesting this new reality.

Head and Neck Exercises

We give Ethan a bit more tummy time now. This is when we roll him over on this tummy and for a short while he can pull himself up to this position. The world looks quite different and interesting from this vantage point!

However, Ethan can't hold this position for too long so... whump... his head drops back down onto the bed! Don't worry, he wasn't hurt at all. He picks himself up with a curious look a few seconds later!

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Daddy Rocket

Ethan's got a new toy -- it's a Daddy Rocket! It can give him a bird's eye view of things around house -- just twiddle Daddy's thumbs in the desired direction and off we go!

Old Friends, New Friends

This Chinese New Year we visited Wilson & Shih-Huei and their newborn baby, Ezra. Wilson & Shih-Huei are friends from our days in Trinity Theological College who knew us before we got married. Ethan seemed delighted to meet his new friend because when Daddy lifted him near the cot to see Ezra, he started laughing so heartily that we had to carry him out of the room so that he wouldn't wake Ezra up!

Monday 26 February 2007

Bath Time is Funny!

Chuckles... for the last few days, Ethan has been especially tickled about something after his bath time. He will chortle away after he's taken out of the water and wrapped in a snug towel!

Sunday 25 February 2007

Ethan Laughing

His cute little laugh is very infectious! Turn up the volume as this was taken from our mobile phone so is quite soft...

Saturday 24 February 2007

Eating With a Spoon!

Today is a historic day. Ethan ate his first semi solids! We prepared some rice-cereal mixed with Mummy's milk. Here it is looking errr... not so yummy from my perspective.

Some people have asked us whether we need to try solids so soon. Ethan is now 1 week shy of 5 months old. Baby manuals say around 4-6 months, depending on the individual baby. Ethan's been happpy with his milk and hasn't been waking up due to hunger or requesting more frequent feeds, but we did notice that the last couple of days he's been biting more (and harder) and has been "smacking his lips". We've also been giving him a spoon to play with on occasion so that he grows accustomed to this new toy.

Armed with a bib and the semi-solid cereal we began just before lunch time! Puzzled expressions soon gave way to swallowing attempts with cereal dribbling down his chin. Then he began to fuss, which was hard to figure out whether it was due to not liking it, that he wasn't able to swallow, or that the spoonfuls weren't coming fast enough. After a few more minutes, Ethan began getting the hang of it as we gingerly fed him a bit more. More fuss cos he was hungry and he couldn't eat it fast enough, so Renata nursed him a while, then we fed him some more cereal. This second round was a winner! He lapped it up and really liked the new taste. For a first-try, Ethan's performance was quite stellar. We were prepared for most of the food to end up on the floor, but we think he actually swallowed more than half of the cereal (1 tbl spoon with 50ml milk).

Here he is after the feed. He looked very contented and pleased and was still continuing to bite and chew, so we gave him another spoon to nibble on!

The best thing about it was how satisfied he looked after this new meal. He went into a drowsy state, staring at his mobile - a look that we last saw when he was much younger and very full on milk. He's now sleeping... well... like a baby!

Thursday 22 February 2007

Chinese New Year Visits

This is Ethan's first Chinese New Year! We did a fair amount of visiting and spent lots of time with family over the holidays which was nice. Ethan had a couple of red shirts and this bright orange tie-dye one that makes him look very grown-up!

At U. Kenneth and A. Bee's he behaved himself very well and allowed his Uncle & Auntie to hold him for a while so we could grab this great picture. It's the first time they have seen Ethan since the moon yuet. He was small then but is not quite big for his age, weighing in at just over 7kg now. In the picture above, the toy "tape worm" next to Ethan is a measuring worm 60cm long, so you can see that he is quite "long" now!