Tuesday 1 May 2007

Family Fun Day

Today was Family Fun Day at WEFC and we all trooped to Woodlands Stadium for some telematch games with the church family. Daddy did some running around while Mummy and Ethan watched, cheered, and laughed from the sidelines at all the silly antics going on.

Someone soon got tired and cranky then fell soundly asleep... Though Ethan was too young for any of the games, he showed a very good sense of style even in his sleeping poses. Relaxed and stylish all in one go.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Rrrrrr... Ha ha ha!

Ethan's learning to make sounds with his mouth. When he learns something new he often finds it very funny and will laugh and laugh when we repeat it back to him. The baby development books says it helps him know that he's doing well and affirms him continuing to try out more sounds. Here he is chuckling away over the Rrrrrr... sounds!

Monday 23 April 2007


Yes, it's the age-old favourite game and a couple of weeks ago Ethan started to find this extremely amusing, often roaring with laughter most approvingly. I caught this one on video last week when I was changing him just before dinner. It's shakey cos I was ducking below the table while holding the camera above with one hand!

Sunday 22 April 2007

Time to Unwind

It has been a busy busy week but now we have a chance to unwind... Renata was preaching at BRMC, and Ivan had his second missions weekend at WEFC which was an absolutely amazing time seeing God at work among the people! Yeah! Here's the Tan family enjoying having Ethan with them since he's usually in Woodlands on Sunday. Grandma especially enjoyed parading him amongst approving aunties!

We hadn't managed to celebrate Renata's birthday so here was the opportunity with Ruth visiting from Sydney. We went to Waraku, a Japanese restaurant we liked, and of course played with the baby whom we love. A new game he likes now is "Standing" where we lift it up then bring him down until his feet touch a solid surface. He instinctively tries to "stand", then giggles and collapses.

Thursday 19 April 2007

Pouring Water on Mr. Penguin

One of the water games we play with Ethan is The Pouring Water Station. We're trying to get him comfortable with water on his face and head! Just beginning now he's learning that it's fun to pour water on his friend Mr. Penguin. Soon, it will be fun to pour water on his own head and face...but we'll need some more time! We also discovered he likes to "swim" in the front position but he doesn't do the frog-like kick that we thought babies did. Hmmm....maybe that will come later?

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Fun on the Change Table

We've discovered a new game at the Change Table that thrills Ethan each time. It's a variation on the Classic "Peekaboo" game but instead of hiding behind a blanket, we duck down under the change table and 'magically' reappear to peals of laughter from our tickled Bub! Mummy discovered this game by accident one day while fiddling with the night light that is neatly located under Ethan's bed -- and it's been a favourite since. It even works when Ethan gets cranky -- he stops crying and forgets to fuss when we pop out from below him!

Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday Swimming

Today and next weekend are Missions Emphasis Weekends at church so I'm busy preparing things and the various things going on. Renata and Ethan came for early service then came back home. By the time I got home from church, look who was having a nice nap in the big bed without me!

After a nice loooong nap we all got up out of bed and went for a quick swim. Our Learn to Swim book, for 6 month to 4 year old children has arrived! We highly recommend it to parents who want to be involved teaching their l'il ones to swim. Today we did the "Water Pouring Station" game and a bit of the "Cheek Dip". We discovered that Ethan really looooves the feel of flowing water. After the pool, I brought him into the shower with me to feel water running down his face. A little at a time, but frequently says our book-tutor.

Saturday 14 April 2007

My New Teething Ring

Oooh... someone's got a colourful new teething ring! On our day off this week the family trooped down to Takashimaya to spend some vouchers that a few wonderful people gave us! We bought a case for our l'il camera and, of course, a few baby supplies. The main objective of this mission was teething rings. This nice one has gel inside that can be refridgerated or frozen so that it will soothe poor Ethan's sore gums. Ethan sure looks like he's enjoying it!

Friday 13 April 2007

Folding the Laundry

Our home is quite small so laundry gets folded on the sofa. Ethan is helping Mum with a pile of it while sitting on his own "mini-sofa" that gives him more support. Like Dad, he quickly tired of folding laundry and started playing with his own toys.

Thursday 12 April 2007

Vaccinations at 6 months

Today we went to the clinic for Ethan's 6 month checkup and 6-in-1 vaccination. Medical care is so good and well organized! We have a nice booklet that tells us what he's had and when, and a checklist of developmental milestones. Tracks moving object - check! Raise head and looks up at 90 degrees when placed on stomach - check!

Injections for these vaccinations are quick but not painless. That needle goes straight into the muscle on his thigh. Ethan is normally very good about going thru pain, but he's been extra bothered cos of his teething recently. He and Dad are looking a little worried waiting for their turn in the venepuncture room.

After that Ethan fell fast asleep even before we left the hospital. He was biting on his teether and feel asleep with it in his mouth. By the time we took this photo it had slid out...he looked even cuter when it was half inside!

The afternoon/evening brought on a mild fever due to the vaccine (it's quite normal). One teaspoon of kiddy paracetemol and he cooled down soon after.

Get Well Soon Ah Mah

Ah Mah had a toothache and had to go to the dentist this week, and because of that Ethan missed his usual Monday's with her and Yeh Yeh. So today we all had a nice dim sum lunch and Ethan presented his Ah Mah with a "get well" card. It's his first art-work!

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Mr. Drooly

More and more drool! I used to think that baby's drool was so disgusting and wondered how parents ever put up with damp spots on their shoulders and now I am one of them! "Ahh...it's only drool/pee/poo!" goes the saying now. Better get used to it cos with teething, the drool is only increasing!

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Inquisitive Independance

Ethan is growing not only in size but also in his ability to sit up and play by himself. After having his milk dinner, he sat in his high chair while we ate ours... mostly smiling and playing with one of his toys. He's getting more and more engaged with his toys, often biting them then taking it out to examine, then biting it again and repeating the process!

Right now he's having a bit of a cry cos he can't fall asleep by himself. Probably teething is making the poor fella feel uncomfortable.

Sunday 8 April 2007

How to Relax and Enjoy Oneself

Ethan is already a master at relaxing and enjoying himself. Here he is looking stylish, cute, and laid back all at the same time while listening to his musical keyboard. Like Daddy, he focuses really hard when he's concentrating at a task but when it comes to relaxing he really knows how to enjoy himself.

If you zoom in on his gums you'll see white things poking through. Ethan's started to teethe as there are times when he sounds like he is in pain and bites on things more. No tooth has actually seen daylight yet though!

Saturday 7 April 2007


We bought Ethan a new swimming wetsuit and he looks soooo cute in it. This photo doesn't do his new sporty outfit justice! We got this from Kiddy Palace - it's their smallest one sized for 1 year old. Our tubby 6-month old baby fits into it with some room to grow!

Now that we spent $26.90 (after discount) on this wetsuit, we are trying to maximize use of it before Ethan outgrows it. So this morning we took him for a quick dip before his morning bath. It's a bit colder in the morning so he wasn't laughing as much as the previous day!

The wetsuit is really good! Not only does Ethan look very stylish, but he's kept warmer as compared with wearing only shorts. His favourite water activity is zooming around on his l'il speedboat!