Tuesday 13 November 2007

Rubber Time

Ethan never fails to be enthralled by his rubber sea urchin toy. Here he is entertaining himself with various permutations of elasticity after polishing off his lunch macaroni! We like the rubber toy too -- it gives us a few precious minutes to enjoy our lunch before someone gets restless again!

The Boys

Ethan loves hanging out with his Daddy and they often have a screaming good time together. (In fact he is screaming "Deh deh deh" excitedly as he peeks through the cot while I'm blogging now!) He is certainly losing his 'baby' looks and becoming more and more like a little boy now! This week we found him standing all on his own in the middle of our bedroom for quite a while--looks like he'll be toddling around very soon!

Sunday 4 November 2007

Eating on the Run

Ethan's milestone of turning one means that we can now adjust our modus operandi and do more things with him. One activity he enjoys since Gong Gong first started him on it a couple of months back is going shopping from the bird's eye view of a trolley!

Last week after buying a load of groceries we decided to grab a bite of lunch in the newly renovated food area outside the supermarket at Plaza Singapura. Unfortunately most of them were more like Take Away outlets -- and so the ever-useful shopping trolley became a high chair as well!

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Boys' Toys

We didn't think Ethan would take to hi-tech toys at such a young age, but he's been developing a deep attachment to techie toys like our computers and handphones...and we are quite amazed at the attention span he is able to give to these toys! So we have decided to give Ethan his very own handphone to play with. (Shh...don't tell him but it's actually Mummy's old handphone which still works well, has fun lights and even camera function but with SIM card removed.) I was amazed when a day later he had changed the wallpaper on the phone all by himself!

A strange feeling of deja vu hit me as I was looking at this photo of Ethan -- somehow his handphone fascination reminded me of someone else when he got his new handphone! (see Blog Post of 22 Sept 06) No mystery where Ethan gets his love of techie toys from!

Sunday 28 October 2007

Baby Food - Adult Food

It was time for Ethan to try his first pasta, so I attempted a modified bolognese with macaroni. Here is the first stage with my regular minced beef, onions, and herbs. But this time it was less garlic, less pepper, hardly any olive oil, and added carrots.

Canned tomatoes are easy to use for adult pasta, but I wanted to avoid the extra salt and had run out anyway. So in went some chopped cherry tomatoes and a tiny bit of sugar. The rich colour and consistency still required tomato paste though, which had some salt in it. It looked and smelled yummy.

The macaroni cooked in the meantime, and combining the two resulted in this army of macaroni bolognese. Unfortunately it has to be off to the freezer for this platoon, so Ethan will have to try his first pasta microwaved. Not exactly the choicest of options, but since al dente is too hard for him anyway I don't think it mattered too much.

After all that it was time for the taste-test. Not ours, but Ethans. Turns out that while he seems to like the pasta and the tomato sauce the beef (though as small as I could make it) took a bit of effort to chew as does the pasta. So he ate quite a bit slower than usual and seemed to get tired after all that chewing. Verdict: Partial success. Next time, more sauce and less meat!

As for mummy and daddy, we treated ourselves to grilled portobello mushrooms and a fresh hamburger patty melt on rustic bread with a lovely mixed salad. While Ethan's smelled and looked quite appetizing, ours was still better...

Thursday 25 October 2007


Switches and buttons, especially those with lights with absolutely fascinating nowadays. On, off, on, off goes the electricity. This also applies to elevator buttons, stereo amplifiers, DVD players, security access readers, microwaves, and whatever new things Ethan can get his curious hands on.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Walking is Hard Work

Ethan's been hard at work practicing his standing, balancing, walking and (at grandparents') stair-climbing skills -- all important skills to be a fully mobile toddler! Going from all 4's to just 2 feet takes quite a bit of coordination. Here he is deep in contorted concentration while cruising around the chair in our living room! It sure makes me realise and appreciate how much coordination our bodies perform everyday in doing simple things like walking that we don't even think about!

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Chawan Mushi

Gosh! Look what gourmet delight mummy made for Ethan... it's chawan mushi for babies! This low-salt alternative still has bonito stock so it still has some saltiness as we're gradually relaxing the no-salt no-sugar guide since we're past 12 months. Mummy's chawan mushi is the smoothest and best there is (she says the secret is very slow steaming that takes 15-20 minutes to cook) and result is always delicious. Youre looking at the baby cup version without the shitake mushrooms but Ethan still lapped it all up. His expression changed and he grinned at mummy with a big smile on his first bite. He then proceeded to wolf it all down!

Monday 22 October 2007

I Think I'm In Control

Oh the joys of remote controls! Ethan quickly grabs one whenever it's in sight. The more buttons the better, so this stereo remote control isn't the best but it sure does make him happy. He's blasted us by turning up the volume to deafening decibel levels on a few occasions.

Thursday 11 October 2007

Rain Drops on My Head

Standing and exploring is much more fun than sitting down. So since Ethan now spends more time trying to get out of his baby bath rather than sitting in it, he has graduated to the shower. Here his favourite things to do are grab the silver coloured shower hose (he likes all wires and cables... doesn't know about wireless yet) and to feel the droplets spraying on him. He looks a little cross-eyed in this photo staring at the rain drops. You would too if you were trying to examine each one! Thankfully his eyes are normally straight at other times...

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Ethan Loves Music

Ethan loves to explore the TV and stereo when music is playing. Now that he can cruise along he likes to stand there, explore a little, and dance to the music. Though he enjoys sweetie baby music, he seems to prefer things with stronger rhythms and beats. In the middle of this range is this children's rendition of What A Friend We Have in Jesus!

New Haircut

Someone's hair was getting a bit long so we had a haircut this morning. It's quite tough to cut a wriggly baby's hair, especially when he keeps trying to turn around see what you're doing. As a result, things are always a bit uneven and today Ethan had a "hole" in his hair. Some doctoring of the cut resulted in an acceptable "tough guy" cut with short hair all around and longer one on top. Perhaps Ethan knew we were trying to ensure he is groomed well and looking handsome because he immediately grabbed the brush on his change table and began brushing his own hair!

You can't see the "hole" on this side nor his crooked fringe! He was getting restless so we had to stop and we'll continue the haircut tomorrow...

Tuesday 9 October 2007

De De

Ethan's first word! He repeats it very often... just that we're not 100% sure exactly what it means. The word is De De or de de depending on what you think it means!

What does this oft-repeated phrase conjure in Ethan's mind? It could be:
  1. Daddy (this is Ivan's vote, backed up by the fact that Ethan sometimes says De De when he sees a picture of his Daddy)
  2. Computer - as in compu-de-de (this is Ethan's favourite thing and he also says de de when looking at the PC even when it's off and no picture of Daddy is on it)
  3. Anything Electronic (Ethan sometimes says it when he sees a handphone)
  4. All of the above (Daddy is highly associated with the computer and handphone so de de could all these things which make him happy)
This has got me thinking. Poor mummies. They do most of the work of baby raising and the first word out of a babie's mouth is not usually "mama" because the Mmmm sound is more dificult than the hard De or Da sound. Is it the same with other languages I wonder?

New Eyes Checkup

Renata went for her one week checkup. All is healthy and she has 6/6 vision now. Near work makes her tired as her eyes are still adjusting but that should resolve by itself as she gets used to things. The normal dry eyes after effect is diminishing so all looks very well!

Ivan now has perfect vision in his right eye with 75 degree astimatism remaining in his left eye. We'll see if it resolves at the 3 month checkup. Looking at things with 2 eyes he has 6/6 vision so all is good.

Thursday 4 October 2007

Egg Sandwich

Babies can eat bread and egg yolks (not the whites) so this morning after his milk, Ethan had the yolks on toast. Unfortunately no salt or butter for him yet though. These little egg-sandwiches were baby-sized so they could fit into his mouth. So cute!

Monday 1 October 2007

New Eyes

Look who just got LASIK! After an unqualified success for Ivan, it was Renata's turn under the excimer laser. Poor Renata had the vision of a bat with 1300 degrees of myopia and mild 75 astigmatism. The 1 day checkup was good so the most critical part of healing is over. We'll report back with her vision a week later!

For a very short period, none of the family needs glasses. We say very short, because with genes from us the next person likely to need them is Ethan!

Sunday 30 September 2007

Brunch Date - No Ethan!

We left Ethan with Grandma and Grandpa to enjoy an anniversary brunch ALONE together! We tried not to talk about Ethan but had to keep reminding ourselves. Here we are at lovely P.S. Cafe in Dempsey Rd. It's our second time here, the first being with family, and the review is the same - Great food, great lush forest ambience, sub-standard ambivalent service. But we enjoyed our couple time and the super movie afterwards... Ratatouille!

Saturday 29 September 2007

Birthday Number One

Ethan had his first birthday which was a family affair at Grandma's and Grandpa's accompanied by popiah and a "Dog" birthday cake. Unfortunately he was a bit under the weather and rather moody that afternoon so we didn't get good photo shots.

Of course, Ethan didn't really understand all that was going on and didn't even know that he was getting so many wonderful presents. He did like cousin Heather showing him how to use A. May Nah's notebook though...

Happy Birthday Ethan! You've been a wonderful blessing to us and we love you so very very much... XXXOO, Mum & Dad.

Almost One

Tomorrow Ethan turns one year old! It's time for reminiscing so I was digging thru the old photo folders and found this cute one which I hadn't posted. Ethan was 9 months old and had gotten an inhaler from the doctor. He absolutely loved using it and was fascinated by the whole thing.

Thursday 27 September 2007

Feeding Myself

Ethan is gradually getting better at feeding himself, but sometimes he just likes to play like he's doing with these tamago biscuit balls. These are the yummy Japanese egg flavoured ones. Thankfully they're in his suction bowl which is why he can't manage to pull it off and fling them all about.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Our Anniversary!

Today is our third wedding anniversary! I called Renata this afternoon to tell her that I was extremely pleased to have married such a wonderful wife. Quite a good catch if I do say so myself! It was a rather ordinary day with us rushing to work, then me rushing back to take care of Ethan while Renata went to teach a class at church. Thus marks our 3 years together, and though today was "ordinary", there has been everything wonderful about having a companion who shares your passions in life and who strives to be supportive and sacrificial.

my favourite pic from our wedding album

In just a few more days Ethan will turn 1, which will be quite a celebration for the family! What an action-packed last few years getting married, being in ministry, travelling to so many places, having a wonderful baby boy, and seeing God do so many fantastic things. Really nothing ordinary at all.

Intrepid Explorer

Ethan seems to be getting stronger, more daring, and more curious in his exploring every day. He loves to just crawl about the house then pull himself to his feet to peer at anything he finds interesting - which is everything when you're an intrepid baby explorer. He always looks like he is concentrating very hard when examining items, then he looks very pleased with himself after having discovered something new. Really just like Daddy!

Monday 24 September 2007

You Got Rhythm Baby

We try not to play baby music all the time. Ethan loves that genre, but being introduced to other types and more complex rhythms is good for him too. Everyone knows about Beethoven for babies but we hardly play classical music for him either. Mummy prefers a bit of jazz for Ethan, and lately this particular CD is one of his favourites. He never fails to "dance" by bobbing up and down and moving his head when the songs comes on. So cute! And his rhythm is quite good too... it's utterly adorable!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Baby French Toast

Sunday afternoons hold wonderful things. Ivan came back early and went for a bike ride, while Ethan woke up to Mummy's baby french toast. It sure was yummy!

This is a great finger food for Ethan to feed himself with and practice picking up food and chewing with the few teeth he has. Daddy likes it cos it's clean and neat and smells and looks great too! Thanks Mummy, for such wonderful baby food you make... Ethan sure loves it.

Friday 21 September 2007

Crawly Crawly

I suddenly realized that I haven't taken any videos of Ethan crawling around yet! He's so cute padding around with his little hands slapping the floor and we must remember these times as soon he'll be walking about. This clip has nothing but him investigating things and crawling around... very cute, but the kind of thing only parents watch over and over again!

Thursday 20 September 2007

Brush Your Teeth

Ethan now brushes his teeth twice a day - all 3 of them! He has two on the bottom and 1 peeking out at the top so Mummy's been regularly saying "brush your teeth" as she rubs them with this little slide-on-the-finger baby toothbrush we got. Ethan loves it! He knows when the toothbrush is coming and opens his mouth for us to look inside.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Boat People

Our friend Sharon from TTC days came over for afternoon tea and so we can take our boys swimming. Asher is nearly 2 and was very good in the pool and in his boat... He was propelling himself quite speedily across the water!

Ethan is of course more dependant on Daddy when in the pool, and he too had a grand time being tugged around in his boat. He can't reach out of it to paddle like Asher though!

After the big pool, we went into the baby pool where we found out for the first time that Ethan can stand all by himself while holding onto the edge. The boys had a grand time so we left while everyone was still happy and went upstairs for a hot shower.

Ivan made "baby french toast" for the boys and crepes with "honey lemon" drink variants for the adults. Asher liked the iced honey lemon drink so much he didn't want to give it up though it was actually mummy's!

Baby French Toast (safe for babies)
Make batter using 45ml formula, 1 egg yolk, 1 tbl spoon plain flour. Cut off edges from bread slices and cook in toaster over or pan-fry on a non-stick pan without oil. Note there is no butter, sugar, or salt. You may add appropriate mashed fruit.

Orange Butter Crepes with Rum
(today's was a rush job with no orange peel and no ice-cream)

Friday 14 September 2007

Finger Foods

After weeks of patient trial & error, Ethan is now getting the hang of feeding himself with finger foods. Here is the Hungry One after a long afternoon of crawling and inspecting his home. He even understands when we tell him to "use your teeth!" to bite at the biscuit! We still have some way to go on finger food development though.....Ethan still needs to learn to let go of his biscuit at the end! At present he ends up clutching a gooey mess of wet biscuit which he tries to put into his mouth but forgets to let go of!

But that's a minor detail to the overall joy of having acquired the skill of being able to feed oneself -- and here he is looking very pleased with himself!

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Vertical Joys

Ethan is slowly getting steadier and stronger in pulling himself up to a standing position after a few weeks' practice -- and here he is beaming and feeling pleased with himself for the new perpective on the world!

Standing vertically is one of the joys of being human and our little boy is looking less like a baby and more like a toddler each day. It's been a joy to see him slowly gain more and more control of his movements & mobility, getting steadier and more confident in balancing and venturing further to explore the facinating world around him.

Wednesday 5 September 2007


Dinner the other night was at Ka Soh Chinese Restaurant and Ethan had a grand time with Emma, his cousin. At first, Ethan tried to pull on her dress where little girl's dresses shouldn't normally be pulled! Emma thought it was all very funny and was very good to her little cousin.

After dinner they went to play with the mirrors. They're both standing on a chair so they can see themselves in the mirror. You can see in the picture above how much taller Emma is. Funny how Ethan's head looks bigger than her's though.... All in all, a grand family outing and funny-face fun with cousins!

Monday 3 September 2007

Sleep Kit

Sleep is an essential part of a baby's life (and Mummy & Daddy's too!). So we are really glad that the hard work on Ethan's sleep routine seems to be paying off! He's getting a little easier to put to sleep/nap now and here he is wanting to show you his Sleep Kit -- just a few items in our arsenal of baby equipment that we find useful in calming and getting him to bed -- pacifier, nappy blanket & his favourite rubber sea urchin which lights up and is a fun (altho somewhat stimulating toy at night) that makes bed a happy place to be!
Some people have asked how the Baby Contest earlier went -- and we have to say that Ethan didn't make it to the Finals after all. It seems their criteria was more on the babies' developmental stage and as our Bubs is a little of a heavyweight in his category, he's actually taken to crawling a little later than many babies his age. We had a fun experience though, and to us Ethan will always be a Wonderful Breastfed Baby!

Friday 31 August 2007

Standing Tall

Ethan has started to stand and now at 11 months can hold onto things and stand for about a minute or so! He always looks very pleased with himself when he learns new things. You can't really see the pleased look cos of his pacifier, so I took it out and did this short video. It had to be stopped short cos he was reaching for the fan and actually grabbed it!

Thursday 30 August 2007

Vivo City with Friends

Our old friends, Terence and Vivian were back visiting Singapore after getting married and living, working, and setting up family in Hong Kong. It's been ages since we met up. We got married around the same time, and had boys around the same time too! Nathaniel is 6 months old now... 5 months younger than Ethan.

Though both boys weren't at their cutest they did enjoy their day out in Vivo City and loved staring at the balloons we got for them. We lounged around in a coffee joint afterwards. Do you think the babies look alike? Cos people say Terence and Ivan look alike... someone even congratulated Terence thinking he was Ivan at our wedding 3 years ago.

Ethan loved lounging with his Dad after lunch. He thinks Dad looks very cool with sunglasses, but actually it's eye protection for 2 weeks after LASIK so that Ethan doesn't accidentally reach up and maul Daddy's eyes.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Trying Not to Sleep

Ethan tries so hard to stay awake during the day even when he is very tired. The result is that he sometimes falls asleep sitting up in his cot then he slumps over and continues dozing! Here is one such funny picture... amazing he can still sleep in this strange pose.

Saturday 25 August 2007

The Reading Room

Ethan had a bit of nappy rash today so he let him crawl around a bit without his nappies to get a good airing. But then we noticed he was leaking! Accck.... so he scooped him up and used the opportunity to put him on his potty trainer. Technically, he's too young for potty training now as bowel control only sets in much later, but he looked so comfortable sitting on his potty that we gave him a book to read! Look at him happily enjoying himself!

Friday 24 August 2007

Daddy's Funny Goggles

We have both been talking about getting LASIK done for some time and we took the plunge. Well, I took it first. Here I am immediately after the surgery on Thursday afternoon. My eyes were nearly shut cos they were a bit puffy and hard to keep open. The eye shield is to stop me from rubbing my eyes during my sleep in the first 24 hours as that's the most crucial time for healing. I also have to use some eye protection when playing with Ethan in the first 7 days of healing so I don't accidentally get whacked.

I slept a lot that first day with most of the discomfort (mild-moderate stinging pain) coming 5 hours after the operation when the numbing eye drops wore off. So I took some panadol and was okay again. The next day I woke up and discomfort was gone and I was seeing clearly. The check-up went well and I am now seeing nearly 6/6 which is very good recovery after 1 day. Vision will fluctuate in the first 7 days but I am seeing very well now and am very satisfied! Must be gentle with the eyes and diligent with my eye drops especially in this first week as the eye heals.

Dr Julian Theng who set up the Eagle Eye Centre at Mt Alvernia did a great job and is very reassuring, which helps you keep calm. Plus his staff are all excellent and the $1 cappucino is quite good considering it comes from a machine! He spot on cleared my 550+ myopia and 350+ astigmatism though I have thin corneas. So I highly recommend him and his centre. Thanks to Judy and Yogi who recommended him to us! I also bought his small book called "A Long Sighted Look at Presbyopia" and now understand what presbyopia is and what we can expect as we go past 40 and may need reading glasses. I always thought that was long-sightedness setting in but it's not! If you were misinformed like me it's a good read as many opticians will not know the various types of treatments available so it's good to educate oneself.

I'm looking forward to be able to play rough and boisterous games with Ethan now without having to take off my glasses and look for a safe place to put them all the time. And now when he rides on my shoulders I can properly see where I am walking! Renata says she has now married the man in her wedding album. Ha ha... if you don't know what she means, click on the wedding album link on the right!